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What You Can Do:

1) Sign up to the ABC mailing list to receive all the latest news.



2) Donate to ABC.



3) Share ABC literature and the ABC news, the ABC message and actions on social media as extensively as possible.



4) Set up a local or regional ABC group in your area.



5) Organise ABC film and talk events in your area: ABC representatives are always ready to talk. Why not make it a workshop at the same time as activist training? We will do all that. We can help you set up a group from scratch. Use the event to launch  the group.



6) Organise street stalls in your town about Covance and contract testing; try to build, expand and improve your group at all times. Try to avoid making it a vegan only group, let anti-vivisection meat eaters join the campaign, we need to make it inclusive, over time they will probably go vegan anyway.



7) Organise or attend demonstrations outside and inside anyone's premises who has any business dealings with Covance.



8) Organise or attend demonstrations outside anyone's homes who has any business dealings with Covance. It is through these legal, effective measures of taking it to their homes that will create the siege mentality that will help pressure individuals and the companies they represent, to pull business links with Covance and Labcorp. We do not encourage law breaking as part of ABC.



9) Write to/contact agrochemical and chemical testing companies to ask if they firstly contract animal testing and also if so if they use Covance. We can share this and build a database between us all of companies to target with campaigns and to boycott.



10) Make contact with anyone who works with or for Covance and let them know you oppose what they do and that this is a campaign that will be sustained and will win.



11) Contact Labcorp and tell them they should sell Covance.



12) Support the ABC petition for a Royal Commission, sign it and share it (see below).



13) Suport the Free the MBR Beagles campaign, as they are the dog suppliers for Covance. Join the protest camp, or go to visit it for a day, donate money or food to the camp, order campaign leaflets and give them out in your town/put them in health food shops, vegan cafes etc, give them to beagle owners when you see them, organise an MBR fundraiser or promotional event in your area.


14) Attend the 20th anniversary of Barry Horne's death demo in Huntingdon 6th November 2021, or organise something in your area for it. 

Meet Midday

Outside Huntingdon Library.

Huntingdon town centre, Princes St, Huntingdon PE29 3PA



15) Make a promise to yourself to commit to the campaign and make it a turning point in the Animal Liberation movement.


ABC PETITION, please sign and share.

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     "Capitalism and animal abuse go hand in hand and for them there is no profit in life, only death, no fast buck to be made from understanding instead of destroying, no financial killing to be made from peace and compassion when money comes from suffering, pain and war. 


It would be for us to believe, as some do, that because we care and are right that we will inevitably win one day. 


Too easy to say that the guilt of murder and suffering is theirs, on their conscience and they will one day pay in full. Much too easy to turn away and do nothing. 


Life is never easy like that, never easy for those who care about the animals and who know they have to do something now, not waiting for some distant mythical date. Every day of every month in every year, people turn away from the easy and safe decisions of life and instead take the hard thankless barren road to animal liberation. The road with many twists and pitfalls that is direct action for animal liberation. 


The long road to victory that they know is the only one that can end the suffering and the killing. 

And by the suffering and dedication of the activists who make that decision the road grows shorter, victory comes closer and the animal liberation movement grows stronger, our strength and determination increasing as the animal abusers grow more afraid of our power and resolute belief in victory."


  Barry Horne 

'Support Animal Rights Prisoners’  (SARP)

Newsletter Feb 1993


Let the die be cast

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