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ABC Tactics


“If you don’t fight, you don’t win”.

Barry Horne 1993

As a grassroots network of groups and activists, we hold the view that activism creates results.


The Coalition/network must be strong and aim to constantly expand and grow...encourage all animal advocates to join against Covance.


By activism, we mean people getting out into the real world away from the artificial and deceptive world of 'internet activism'.


 To build a large, unstoppable and victorious movement we need to spread the message about the cruelty and fraud of vivisection to as many people as possible, so in that sense we encourage outreach...however the aim of outreach will always be to encourage activism and radicalisation. 


As part of that we aim to encourage and reach out to the growing vegan movement, especially the relatively large percentage who claim they are vegan FTA (for the animals).


Our main tactics will be as follows:


-To target secondary and tertiary targets, by which we mean companies who don’t need Covance but that Covance needs, especially financial institutions and chemical industries who are household names. If we make Covance a dirty word in all aspects of trouble and also public image then all the companies will abandon them. We know this, as it worked before.


-To demonstrate (lawfully and peacefully) at people’s homes who run these companies or who are major shareholders, etc.


-To make the investors, bankers, shareholders, suppliers and customers abandon Covance, to force Labcorp to sell Covance.


-To go into the offices of all associates of Covance and spread the message that Covance is going to close and anyone associated with them is going to suffer huge public image damage.


However, we encourage active outreach and by that we mean getting people's attention through media and social media by carrying out blockades, occupations, rooftop protests, camps, etc etc as part of an offensive of civil disobedience against our targets.


To target anyone at all who has any connection to Covance and to encourage a worldwide call for Labcorp to sell the Covance labs as their business is shameful.


To target the people and companies that don't need Covance to survive, but that Covance do need; it is through this equation and targeting that we will persuade all business dealings with Covance to cease. No company in the world looks good with a public image of paying for beagle puppies to be poisoned with random chemical  products.


To create a siege mentality around those that abuse animals and anyone that supports them in any way, making animal abuse industries unprofitable and unattractive to work in.

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