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ABC Strategy

"We fight a war with no past precedent, against an enemy  with no understanding of who we are or why we cannot be driven back or discouraged. For herein lies our greatest strength. We have no understanding of their words, such as compromise, [the rule of] law, surrender, or defeat. Instead, we know only such words as LOVE, COMPASSION, FREEDOM, LIBERATION and VICTORY."

Barry Horne.

ABC Manifesto and Strategy



1. To win Animal Liberation



2. To win Animal Liberation through the pressure of targeted campaigns, taking on one key company at any one  time.



3. To focus on vivisection as the route to Animal Liberation (as opposed to the popular current route of talking the world into veganism).


The reason for this being: a victory against vivisection will send a clear message to all animal abusers and investors and supporters that the UK isn’t good for animal abuse business.


A common argument against such direction is that the business will just go somewhere else. A victory against vivisection in the UK would inspire other campaigns around the world and as the UK is a major centre of vivisection, replacing that infrastructure would be very tricky somewhere else.



4. To focus on the company formerly known as Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) now Covance by Labcorp. HLS would have closed many times in the past, we simply need to put a more determined effort in again with them. 

The fact is that we can build on previous successes, the effects and ramifications of SHAC and the actions of others in the past relating to victories against vivisection (in the late 90’s the closure of multiple lab breeders; Hillgrove, Shamrock, Hyline and many more) due to direct action, pressure campaigns and civil disobedience. And not forgetting Barry Horne’s efforts and sacrifices. We can, and indeed must, build on the opportunities the past gives us; that we are a legitimate force to be reckoned with when we are organised and we can have huge effects on these industries. We have the power. People power.

The reason why HLS were saved by the Govt. was because if they went bust and were closed down, along with the pressure of campaigns on investors and the support structure for their dirty industry, the effects on the pharmaceutical industry and investment in anything to do with vivisection  would dry up in the UK and indeed they could already see that happening and that is why they stopped the campaign. 

They’ve played their cards and we know now that closing Covance would be the writing on the wall for vivisection in the UK.  Tony Blair and Lord Sainsbury stepped in to show support for vivisection and gave speeches to reassure investment in UK pharmaceuticals and vivisection. Let’s make vivisection a dirty public word through exposing Covance, who’s Toxicity tests for agrochemicals on beagle puppies would never meet public approval if they knew the truth of what goes on in there.





We will target Covance through the truth and their weak points, which are: 



a) The fact they are profit motivated, they are not a disease fighting entity.


b) The use of beagle puppies. Beagles are a popular pet these days, we should use this as a campaigning angle to help try to build solid public support.


c) The use of primates for product testing, many of whom are wild caught and transported.


d) All the evidence from many past exposures, we have proof of what they do.


-The fact they don’t do any sort of “live-saving research” as they claim, but that most of their ‘work’ is agrochemical testing.



e) The previous campaigns and victories already won, along with the message of Animal

Liberation already spread through SHAC and their far-reaching actions and effects. We need to once and for all make the UK a total no go zone for vivisection related activity.



f) Capitalise on the decade long growth in veganism as a lifestyle and way of living; show this current vegan scene what vivisection is about and the role Covance plays and how important this victory would be. We are close to having a public mandate on closing Covance down with the new growth in animal rights interest.


OUR NUMBER ONE AIM should be to try to recruit whistle-blowers and/or volunteers willing to get employment  and record and film what they see and what goes on in Covance. 


The simple fact is if there is damning evidence of what goes on and it is recent, along with all their trouble in the past, it could well be the final nail in the coffin for the company and would force Labcorp to sell Covance. 


If it wasn’t enough in itself, we could jump on the back of it and make sure the job is finished. 


So undercover footage is what we must seek most. 

We should approach current employees and suggest they film for us. A whistleblower campaign ramps up the paranoia for the company, managers and directors. They will feel like we are just one step away, always. 


We should approach as many vegan/animal sympathetic celebrities as possible as part of attempting to make the campaign grow and be large and successful.


At all times try to contact people/activists/supporters/sympathisers in countries outside the UK and encourage them to get involved in their countries and areas and to become active and help apply more and more pressure. Encourage them to form an ABC group and become part of the Coalition and network.


Even though we aim to encourage the growth of a mass Animal Liberation movement, in our own humble way, the simple fact is we do not even need large numbers of people to shut down Covance. A handful of people peacefully demonstrating outside the homes of everyone connected to Covance could do it.


To encourage all lawful and legal methods of targeting Covance, including civil disobedience and by that specifically occupations and blockades.

To set up local, regional and national networks of ABC groups all focussing on Covance, with meetings to plan for the next few months targets and campaigns.


Join the mailing list for updates.


To always be looking to grow in numbers as groups and a Coalition; there is strength in numbers and each person who becomes involved and as a potential activist, brings a new skill set to the effort.

To always be looking for new solutions and ways of approaching the challenges at any one time.


To never be compliant with the police and authorities, in fact to see them as the enemies they are and that every cop is as guilty as the vivisectors, for protecting them. To always remain silent or make no comment in any interaction with

 the police, especially in interviews. 


To remember that ABC is a legal entity and does not encourage illegal behaviour.

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